Sunday 19 January 2014

Technology and Touch

So i saw this man and his child at Starbucks the other was sweet...a dad and his child going for an outing at a coffee shop. He was attentive to the child while still very aware of his cell phone and the texts coming in. I mean, I admired the dad. (Why does this still strike me as "different" to see a dad hanging out with his kid? -Even today, lets face it, its generally moms who do the hanging out with their kids.) As i bore witness to this I thought about myself as a child being anywhere with my parents meant they were visiting with their friends who were with them. Like, physically with them. Not on the phone, the www. How different our world is today. I understand it is the way it is.  I spend my own share of time time interacting through the device of choice - computer, tablet, phone. Its even allowed me to "find" people who live so far away from a time when we were neighbours so there is value; huge value. I was just struck by the moment and thought - how valuable is it for our kids to see us as parents actually being in a relationship with a real live other friend?  Face to face - real time - one on one. Kids need it. We need it. Human contact that involves the physical. We need touch and the sound of shared laughter. Meaningful interaction that demonstrates the feelings people have. I want to do more of that; expose my children to the value of being in the same room as a friend. It can't always be, i understand. My family and many of my friends are far away and i don't have the luxury to be with them in the same room everyday. But i want to make the effort to BE in the same place at the same time with the people i can and show my kids what it means to have friends that are real, who have shared my joys and sorrows, laughed and cried with me. I decided its vital to the continuation of the human race.